
Afghani Hash


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Buy Afghani hash online in the U.S.

Afghani hash comes from the northern provinces bordering the Hindu Kush and Russia (Balkh, Mazar-i-Sharif). The cannabis plants used for hash production are small, bushy indicas. In Afghanistan, hashish is pressed by hand after the addition of a small amount of tea or water. The hashish is worked on until it becomes highly elastic and emits a strong aroma. In Afghanistan, the hash is rolled into balls (this shape allows the least contact with air). Before being shipped, the hash is pressed into 100-gram slabs. Afghani’s good qualities are signed with the name of the producing family.

THC Level: 18-22%

Color: black on the outside, dark greenish or brown inside. can sometimes look kind of grayish on the outside when left in contact with the air.

Smell: spicy to very spicy.

Taste: Very spicy, somewhat harsh on the throat. Afghani can induce lots of coughing in inexperienced users.

consistency: soft, can be kneaded very easily.

Effect: Almost narcotic; produces a stony and physical high.

Potency: potent, sometimes very potent. It’s easy to underestimate the potency of Afghani since the high takes about 5 minutes to reach its full potential.

Availability: Quite rare, especially with good qualities. Besides Moroccan hash, Afghani hash is the most common kind of hash on the European market.

Various: The softest Afghani isn’t always the best; coconut or other oils are often added in the originating country. Afghanistan also produces some hash oil, which is usually of high quality. Beware: Turkish hash is sometimes offered under the name “Red Afghani.”


1 Gram, 2 Grams, 3.5 Grams, 7 Grams, 14 Grams, 28 Grams


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